
A total Roman dominating function on a graph $G$ is a function $% f:V(G)\rightarrow \{0,1,2\}$ such that every vertex $v$ with $f(v)=0$ is adjacent to some vertex $u$ with $f(u)=2$, and the subgraph of $G$ induced by the set of all vertices $w$ such that $f(w)>0$ has no isolated vertices. The weight of $f$ is $\Sigma _{v\in V(G)}f(v)$. The total Roman domination number $\gamma _{tR}(G)$ is the minimum weight of a total Roman dominating function on $G$. A graph $G$ is $k$-$\gamma _{tR}$-edge-critical if $\gamma _{tR}(G+e)<\gamma _{tR}(G)=k$ for every edge $e\in E(\overline{G})\neq \emptyset $, and $k$-$\gamma _{tR}$-edge-supercritical if it is $k$-$\gamma _{tR}$-edge-critical and $\gamma _{tR}(G+e)=\gamma _{tR}(G)-2$ for every edge $e\in E(\overline{G})\neq \emptyset $. We present some basic results on $\gamma_{tR}$-edge-critical graphs and characterize certain classes of $\gamma _{tR}$-edge-critical graphs. In addition, we show that, when $k$ is small, there is a connection between $k$-$\gamma _{tR}$-edge-critical graphs and graphs which are critical with respect to the domination and total domination numbers.

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