
espanolEste es un estudio cualitativo con alcance exploratorio ya que quiso examinar una tematica de investigacion poco estudiada sobre la ensenanza y aprendizaje del ingles, tuvo como objetivo establecer la relacion entre el metodo TPR (Total Physical Response) y el desarrollo motivacional y metacognitivo en estudiantes de grado septimo del area de ingles de tres instituciones de educacion basica del sector rural y urbano en Colombia. Para esto se uso una muestra de tipo no probabilistica intencional ya que en estos grupos se evidencio mayor dificultad en el aprendizaje y uso de la segunda lengua, mayor temor al expresarse oralmente e interactuar con el otro, a esta poblacion se les aplico como instrumento una encuesta, que permitio conocer la efectividad del metodo TPR para el aprendizaje significativo del ingles. Como metodologia de analisis se uso la descripcion y comparacion, se utilizo una matriz de Excel, estructurada, categorizada y detallada con objetivos especificos, categorias, subcategorias y hallazgos, que permitio comparar y analizar cada dato obtenido y ver los resultados con claridad. Los resultados arrojaron que el metodo logro despertar el interes y la motivacion permitiendo un aprendizaje significativo del ingles, de manera autonoma y autorregulada, facilitando la participacion activa del estudiante. EnglishThis is a qualitative study with an exploratory scope since it wanted to examine a little-studied research topic on the teaching and learning of English, its objective was to establish the relationship between the TPR (Total Physical Response) method and the motivational and metacognitive development in students seventh grade in the English area of ​​three basic education institutions in the rural and urban sectors in Colombia For this, an intentional non-probabilistic sample was used since in these groups there was evidence of greater difficulty in learning and using the second language, greater fear when expressing themselves orally and interacting with the other, this population was applied as an instrument survey, which revealed the effectiveness of the TPR method for meaningful English learning. Description and comparison were used as analysis methodology, an Excel matrix was used, structured, categorized and detailed with specific objectives, categories, subcategories and findings, which allowed to compare and analyze each data obtained and see the results clearly. The results showed that the method managed to awaken interest and motivation, allowing a significant learning of English, autonomously and self-regulated, facilitating the active participation of the student.

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