Introduction: The purpose of this study is to look at total surgery time and to calculate surgical procedure time as well as surgery set up time. Methods: Over an eighteen-month period, 6/2018 -12/2019, we retrospectively reviewed the results of 45 cases of pelvic injuries consisting of fragility fractures. Data consisting of Total OR Time (TOT), Total Surgical Time (TST) and Total Set Up Time (TOT – TST = Total Set Up Time) was recorded at surgery. This information comprises the rationale of this report. Results: Classification of the fracture types were 28 Type Ia, 1 Type Ib, 1 Type IIa, 7 Type IIb, and 8 IVb. Total Operating Room time for Type Ia was one hour. Types IIb which include an ipsilateral sacral alae fracture was again found to take 60 minutes. The Total Set Up Time for Type Ia was 30 minutes. The Total Surgery Time for Type Ia was 30 minutes. The combined Total Operating Room Time for Type IIb fractures, which include the ipsilateral sacral fracture, was 1 hour. Total Surgery Time was less than 1 hour. The 8 bilateral sacral fragility fractures Type IVb was 47 minutes. The times as reported demonstrate procedures representative of the minimally invasive treatment of pubic rami fractures. Discussion: The purpose of this report was to look at the surgical time required to complete a new surgical technique to treat Fragility Fractures of the pelvis. Calcium Phosphate treatment for these fractures provides a delivery system that accommodates comminuted fracture patterns, minimally invasive, and supplies a supportive endothermic material adding stability to the fracture site. Conclusion: Calcium Phosphate treatment is minimally invasive and easily performed. All fracture Types are amendable for this treatment. The times as reported demonstrate procedures representative of the minimally invasive treatment of pubic rami fractures.
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