
Preface. Dictionary: Condensed matter - High energy physics & cosmology G.E. Volovik. Classification of topological defects and their relevance to cosmology and elsewhere T.W.B. Kibble. The Normal and Superfluid States of Liquid 3He A.J. Leggett. Formation, interaction and observation of topological defects T. Vachaspati. Shards of broken symmetry: topological defects as traces of the phase transition dynamics W.H. Zurek, et al. The 'Grenoble' cosmological experiment: The Kibble-Zurek scenario in superfluid 3He C. Bauerle, et al. 'Aurore de Venise' - Cosmological scenario of the A-B phase transition in superfluid 3He Y.M. Bunkov. Non-equilibrium phase transitions in condensed matter and cosmology: spinodal decomposition, condensates and defects D. Boyanovsky, et al. Defect formation through boson condensation in quantum field theory G. Vitiello. Magnetic monopoles and vortices in the standard model of electroweak interactions A. Achucarro. Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory and duality A.M.J. Schakel. Broken Symmetry and Nonequilibrium Superfluid 3He: Circular Birefringence of Propagating Transverse Currents J.A. Sauls. Relativistic dynamics of vortex defects in superfluids B. Carter. Nucleation and pinning of vortices in 4He E. Varoquaux. Topolotical defects in 3He superfluids V.B. Eltsov, M. Krusius. Regular vortex production by a moving wire in superfluid 3He-B D.I. Bradley, G.R. Pickett. 3He and Universe parallelism G.E. Volovik. Authors Index. Subject Index.

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