
The F 1 F O -ATP synthase is a complex widely distributed in energy-transducing membranes. All ATPases, including the mitochondrial, chloroplastic and bacterial, share structural and functional similarities. However, there are differences in their composition that depend on the species, being more complex in organisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Bos taurus . This is why, a better understanding of the F 1 F O -ATP synthase structure will contribute to a greater knowledge at a molecular level, both of the function, and the regulation of this enzymatic complex. At present, very little is known about the structural organization of the subunits from the F O domain. Considering the former, this paper presents information concerning the intrinsic membrane proteins from the most researched F 1 F O -ATP synthases to date, as well as some other membrane subunits present in less studied organisms.

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