
Topoisomerase I (Top1) is known to relax DNA supercoiling generated by transcription, replication, and chromatin remodeling. However, it can be trapped on DNA as cleavage complexes (Top1cc) by oxidative and carcinogenic DNA lesions, base damage, and camptothecin treatment. We show here that Top1 is also functionally involved in death receptor-induced programmed cell death. In cells exposed to TRAIL or Fas ligand, Top1cc form at the onset of apoptosis. Those apoptotic Top1cc are prevented by caspase inhibition and Bax inactivation, indicating that both caspases and the mitochondrial death pathway are required for their formation. Accordingly, direct activation of the mitochondrial pathway by BH3 mimetic molecules induces apoptotic Top1cc. We also show that TRAIL-induced apoptotic Top1cc are preferentially formed by caspase-3-cleaved Top1 at sites of oxidative DNA lesions with an average of one apoptotic Top1cc/100 kbp. Examination of Top1 knock-down cells treated with TRAIL revealed similar DNA fragmentation but a marked decrease in apoptotic nuclear fission with reduced formation of nuclear bodies. Thus, we propose that Top1 contributes to the full apoptotic responses induced by TRAIL.

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