
The article is devoted to the problems of written speech disorders in primary school children, the prerequisites for its formation and the mechanisms of disorders in the studies of modern domestic and foreign scholars. The importance of this problem is reflected in the Law of Ukraine “About Education”, the Concept of the New Ukrainian School and the State Standard of Primary Education. The article highlights the problem of divergent views of scientists on the mechanism of written language disorders. The approaches to the study of written language disorders are outlined, the principles guiding scientists in their approach to the study of the problem are characterized. The clinical, psychological, psycholinguistic, psychophysiological, neuropsychological and methodological aspects of the approach to the study of dysgraphia are described. It is proved that the diversity of views on the study of the mechanism of written language disorders affects the diversity of dysgraphia classifications. The inconsistency in the approaches of studying and terminology which is used to characterize writing disorders affects the development of effective strategies for overcoming dysgraphia in students’ written speech.The relevance of studying the problem of written language disorders is considered in the Concept of the New Ukrainian School and is reinforced by the gradual increase the number of students with various types of educational difficulties where writing difficulties occupy a prominent place. Timely detection and successful correctional work to overcome dysgraphia in primary school students is the key to further successful mastery of the school curriculum, mastery of printed writing, which is extremely important in the digital age for successful adaptation in the future professional life.
 Keywords: written language disorders; dysgraphia; dysgraphia symptoms; dysgraphia mechanism; integrated approach; speech development; school education; primary school students.

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