
Abstract . Vector -borne diseases especially Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is still an issue in Indonesia Mosquito control currently used was insecticide which classes of active ingredients were from Pyretroid group, carbamates, Organochlorin, and Organophospat.It is considered highly effective, quick note without seeing the results and environmental impact. Based on that condition, It is necessary to look for bioinsecticide ( from plant) that is environmental friendly, easy to obtain and effectively kills the larvae and mosquito. The aim of this study is to conduct bioassay test by using tobacco extract and Zodia extract against Ae.aegypti larvae. As for how to obtain these materials by extraction and distillation of tiered plant material which is considered to have the power to kill based on literature and society. In this study, we use tobacco plant and Zodia extracts. From the bioassay test results it appears that tobacco and zodia extracts at the lowest dose of 1,56% was able to kill the Ae, aegypti jentike 100%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the extracts of tobacco and also extract of zodia equally effective against the larvae used as bioinsektiksida to Ae.aegypti. Key words : Tobaco Extract, Zodia Extract; Ae.aegypti, Biojentikcide A bstrak. Di Indonesia penyakit tular vektor masih menjadi masalah terutama Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD). Pengendalian nyamuk yang digunakan saat ini dari bahan insektisida golongan Peritroid, Karbamat, Organophospat dan Organochlorin, karena dianggap sangat efektif, cepat diketahui hasilnya dan tanpa melihat dampak lingkungan. Maka dipandang perlu untuk mencari insektisida nabati yang ramah lingkungan, mudah diperoleh dan efektif membunuh jentik dan nyamuk penular penyakit DBD. Adapun cara untuk memperoleh bahan tersebut dengan cara ekstraksi bertingkat dan penyulingan dari bahan tumbuhan yang dianggap mempunyai daya bunuh berdasarkan pustaka dan masyarakat. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan ekstrak tumbuhan tembakau dan ekstrak Zodia. Dari hasil uji bioassay tampak bahwa ekstrak tembakau dan ekstrak zodia pada dosis terendah yaitu 1, 56% sudah mampu membunuh jentik Ae.aegypti 100%, sedangkan ekstrak zodia pada dosis Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak tembakau dan juga ekstrak zodia sama-sama efektif digunakan sebagai bioi nsek tiksida terhadap jentik Ae.aegypti. Kata Kunci : Ekstrak Tembakau, Ekstrak Zodia, Ae.aegypti, Biolarvasida

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