
Background: It is well known fact that tobacco kills up to half of its users. 8 million people are killed by the use of tobacco annually. Direct tobacco consumption is responsible for approx seven millions of these deaths and approx 1.2 million deaths due to tobacco use are due to the exposure of non smokers to second hand smoke. The present study was undertaken to study the prevalence of use of tobacco products among rural male students and their knowledge about its injurious effects. Aims and objectives:This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of tobacco use among students residing in rural background and to assess their knowledge about injurious effects of tobacco products in any form. Material and Methods:The study was undertaken by using a detailed, predesigned questionnaire on the use of tobacco. Results: The prevalence of tobacco smoking was found to be 21% and smokeless tobacco as 37% on regular basis. Conclusion: Present study clearly demonstrates the common practice of tobacco consumption among students living in rural background and it is of deep concern. Knowledge about harmful effects of tobacco use certainly have role in restraining the tobacco habit among students.

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