
A dynamic array of histone post-translational modifications (PTMs) regulate diverse cellular processes in the eukaryotic chromatin. Among them, histone ubiquitination is particularly complex as it alters nucleosome surface area fostering intricate cross-talk with other chromatin modification. Ubiquitin signaling profoundly impacts DNA replication, repair, and transcription. Histones can undergo varied extent of ubiquitination such as mono, multi-mono, and polyubiquitination, which brings about distinct cellular fates. Mechanistic studies of the ubiquitin landscape in chromatin have unveiled a fascinating tapestry of events that orchestrate gene regulation. In this review, we summarize the key contributors involved in mediating different histone ubiquitination and deubiquitination events, and discuss their mechanism which impacts cell transcriptional identity and DNA damage response. We also focus on the proteins bearing epigenetic reader modules critical in discerning site-specific histone ubiquitination, pivotal for establishing complex epigenetic crosstalk. Moreover, we highlight the role of histone ubiquitination in different human diseases including neurodevelopmental disorders and cancer. Overall the review elucidates the intricate orchestration of histone ubiquitination impacting diverse cellular functions and disease pathogenesis, shedding light on the current challenges of targeting them for therapeutic interventions.

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