
In the article, some data in studying blue-and-green algae (Cyanoprokariota) of the Pryazovia Natural Park are given. The objects of the nature protected stock of Ukraine are unique reservoirs of the most valuable landscapes and biodiversity not only in this country but also beyond its borders. Its is very important to analyse the state and ecological changes of different biotopes by the methods of algoindication. Blue-and-green algae take part in various processes and clearly react to the change of the environment state, and therefore they are a convenient indicator of negative phenomena, since microflora reacts to the environment changes very clearly. Blue-and-green algae can be just an ecological component of biotopes. The aim of our work was to study the specific composition and systematic structure of blue-and-green algae of some water bodies of the park, to give an ecological and geographical description and to analyse their participation in some places of increases according to the zones of self-cleaning and geographical distribution. The urgency of this article consists in the fact, that the Pryazovia National Natural Park (PNNP) is one of the objects of the nature protected stock of Ukraine, located in the south of Zaporizhia Region. The blue-and-green algae of this object are studied insufficiently and irregularly. Therefore just qualitative and quantitative indices of this group of algae and morphological peculiarities of different biotopes of the Pryazovia National Natural Park. In would be rather reasonable to study the blue-and-green algae of wather biotopes and to enlarge the knowledge of the algae ecology and algoindicational possibilities of these organisms. The object of the investigation is the water objects of the Pryazovia National Natural Park. Algological samples in various water biotopes of the PNNP have been chosen, measurements of the salinity temperature of water samples have been made, a specific composition of blue-and-green algae of various water biotopes has been studied, species with the largest frequency of occurrance and dominating algae species have been distinguished. Researching the algae was carried out by means of the illuminating binocular microscope «MICROmed XS-5520» with using the object glasses with the magnifying powers 40x , 100x. The algae identification was made due to determinants. The systematic structure of the discovered algae species was presented according to the system of Komarek and Anagnostidis. For studying the Cyanoprokariota, 16 water samples of 7 water areas of the PNNP have been selected. The selection of water samples was implemented in the temporary and permanent water bodies of the Pryazovia Park. The treatment of the collected material with the further identification and research of the algae was carried out in the laboratory of the department of botany, garden and park economy of Melitopol Bohdan Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University. The research results of the blue-and-green algae of the PNNP water biotopes will give an opportunity to analyse nature environment condition as well as to forecast ecological changes of these surroundings. The carried out investigation have enriched the data specific composition of the blue-and-green algae of the Pryazovia National Natural Park. The research results can be used in describing regional species of the flora and be a part of materials in writing Chronicles of the Pryazovia National Natural Park physical background.

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