
The use of heterocyclic compounds from a number of triazole derivatives is well known in the agricultural sector. For the most part, the fungicidal properties of this group of chemical compounds allowed the occupied niche of one of the most successful in the use of antifungal drugs. However, previous research revealed that these compounds also affect the growth-regulatory indicators of plants, which in turn was demonstrated in our work. In this work, the results of the influence of three different concentrations of a promising triazole derivative compound on the effect on the growth of the vegetative and generative parts of the meadow clover plant germinated from seeds during the vegetation period and the first phase of growth were investigated. The research results showed that creeping (white) clover seeds germinate very quickly – germination was observed already the next day in all variants, and after three days this indicator ranged from 55 to 64%. We obtained the lowest results in variants with the lowest concentrations of the growth regulator – 93% compared to the control. We obtained the highest germination in the version with a solution of the experimental growth regulator at a concentration of 0.02% – the number of germinated seeds is 8.5% more than in the control. A higher concentration of this substance (0.04%) did not show an improvement in germination – the number of germinated clover seeds in this variant was almost no different from the control. Our results indicate that the triazole derivative in the studied concentrations affects the vegetation period and the 1st growth phase of creeping white clover seeds. At the same time, it has a slight stimulating effect in low concentrations, and also protects against the negative impact of soil infections.

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