
The subject of this article is the current legislation of the Russian Federation pertaining to establishment and potential implementation of the norms on the functions of protection of public order by the municipal authorities. Based on the conducted analysis, the authors determine problematic issues in legal regulation of application of these norms, explore foreign experience in the sphere of protection of public order, and consider the prospects for application of this experience in the Russian Federation. The main conclusions of the study consist in proposals on creation of an independent institution of municipal police, prospects for further work within the framework of development of the project of Federal Law “On Municipal Police in the Russian Federation”, taking into account delineation of authority of municipal police and the centralized apparatus of police sub-branches of internal affairs departments; complete transfer of the police patrol functions to the municipal authorities on protection of public order; formation of the mechanism of interaction between the internal affairs authorities and municipal police. The original conclusions made in this research are aimed at helping in preparation of the normative legal framework pertaining to legal position and organization of the work of municipal authorities on protection of public order, as well as formation of the mechanism of interaction between the internal affairs authorities and municipal police.

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