
The article is devoted to the analysis of the procedural order for working with information, highlighting the theoretical and legal foundations for implementation, as well as determining the main directions for further improving the criminal procedural legislation, and the like. As a result of the study, several provisions and conclusions were formed regarding the deepening of the theories of criminal procedure and forensic science, the substantiation of proposals for improving the current criminal procedural legislation, the development of modern forensic recommendations (technologies) for the investigation of crimes. We draw your attention to the fact that the high efficiency of crime investigation directly depends on modern information technology support of criminal proceedings. Analysis of regulations and investigative practice of using modern technologies for the use of information in criminal proceedings makes it possible to improve algorithms (forensic techniques) for investigating certain types of crimes. The problems of using information technology support for the investigation of crimes fell into the circle of studies of both foreign and Ukrainian scientists. However, the analysis of normative acts – the existing regulatory framework governing the issues of modern technologies for the use of information in criminal proceedings, allows us to make a preliminary conclusion that in the existing forensic studies, insufficient attention is paid to the use of modern technologies for the use of information in criminal proceedings. With the development of scientific and technological progress, the possibilities of technical and forensic methods and means in the investigation of crimes increase. An indicative situation in this respect was observed in forensic photography; now it is observed: in the use of the capabilities of the Internet, computer technologies (the formation of an element base on ultra-large integrated circuits, ensuring productivity up to 10,000,000,000 operations per second, the presence of artificial intelligence, which significantly expands the capabilities of computers in processing incoming information, the ability of a person to communicate with computers on natural language through speech and graphic exchange of information, etc.), nanotechnology, laser technology, robotics, the use of human intelligence, progress in engineering, medicine, chemical (pharmaceutical) industry, continued automation (workplace, mobile laboratories, etc). Increasing the efficiency of the use of forensic tools and methods is possible only under the condition of a systematic solution of interrelated problems of organization, legal regulation, scientific, technical, and methodological support of this process. It should be borne in mind that there are no “trifles” when cleaning up the traces of crimes with the use of technical and forensic means and methods to uncover and investigate crimes. Thus, during this study, we came to the following conclusions: 1) the dissemination of scientific and technical methods and means in law enforcement activities predetermines further scientific (theoretical) rethinking of legal, organizational, and tactical problems of their use; 2) information support of criminal proceedings, carried out at the present stage of development and reform of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine, requires a wider involvement and application of modern information technologies, and the latest achievements in various fields of science; 3) modern information technology is a complex tool that opens new prospects for application in investigative, operational, expert, advocacy, prosecutorial and judicial activities. Key words: innovation, information, criminal proceedings, crime investigation, modern technologies

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