
The problem of formation of information and communicative competence of students-philologists on the basis of the basic provisions of the European educational policy also is the purpose of our research. Selection of basic (key, universal) competencies is one of the important tasks of updating the content of education. Information and communicative competence of the individual is characterized by its adaptability, free possession of verbal and nonverbal means of communication, attitude to cognitive activity, to the natural and social world, to himself.Thus, updating the content of general education is associated with the pedagogical problem of forming information and communication competence. To reveal the meaning of the concept of “information and communication competence” in the article we consider its components. After all, for our study, competence is important not only in terms of sound knowledge, but also the ability to optimally and independently respond to the emergence of non-standard situations in the process.In our opinion, information and communication competence, based on the studied sources, includes: holistic worldview and scientific worldview, which are based on understanding the unity of the basic information laws in nature and society, the possibility of their formal, mathematical description; ideas about information objects and their transformation in human practice, including with the help of information technology, hardware and software that implement these technologies; a set of general and professional knowledge and skills, social and ethical norms of human behavior in the information environment.Accordingly, we determine the characteristics of the designed educational environment, in the basis for the formation of information and communication competence of the individual. We consider this problem from the standpoint of the value-activity approach, as it allows to identify the conditions for the formation of information and communicative competence of the individual, the set of opportunities for student learning, for the manifestation and development of his abilities.Thus, communicative competence appears as a structural phenomenon that contains as components values, motives, attitudes, socio-psychological stereotypes, knowledge, skills, abilities, and the result and purpose of the educational environment is the formation of information and communicative competence, which carries “Supersubject”, general educational, general intellectual character.

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