
On February 5 of this year, I was invited by Mr. doctors S.O. Mankovsky and N.A. Skvortsov for advice on one case of extrauterine pregnancy. The day before, that is, on February 4, the patient, the officer's wife, Mrs. X., had internal bleeding, after which she developed acute anemia with loss of pulse and fainting. Thanks to the adopted by Mr. Doctors marry, the patient's pulse appeared and at 3 o'clock in the morning he kept at the known altitude from 120-130 to 1 m. I saw the patient at about 1 pm. She was anemic, the outer covers had a yellowish tint, the visible mucous membrane was almost blessing in color, the pulse was extremely weak filling, about 130 in 1 m. The abdomen was very swollen, painful when touched. With internal examination, the posterior fornix is ​​somewhat tense, the uterus is sluggish, open. From its cavity, blood is exuded in small patches of tissue similar to decidua. The patient in consciousness, complains of a feeling of embarrassment in the chest, nausea and thirst.


  • 5 февраля сего года я былъ приглашенъ г.г. врачами С

  • Замужъ вышла на 18 году, До настоящаго заболѣванія имѣла двое ро­ довъ; роды были правильны, послѣдніе около двухъ лѣтъ тому назадъ

  • Плодъ былъ нѣсколько меньше, чѣмъ указываетъ больная, но этому можетъ служить объясненіе, что плодъ при graviditas extrauterina всегда менѣе развитъ

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5 февраля сего года я былъ приглашенъ г.г. врачами С. Какъ извѣстно не всѣ врачи согласны между собою относительно времени, когда слѣдуетъ приступать къ ла­ паротоміи для извлеченія плода изъ брюшной полости при разрывѣ плодоваго мѣшка, т.

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