
The National Policy on Education 1986, as modified in 1992, stressed the need to employ educational technology to improve the quality of education. The policy statement led to two major centrally sponsored schemes, namely, Educational Technology (ET) and Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools (CLASS) paving the way for a more comprehensive centrally sponsored scheme – Information and Communication Technology @ Schools in 2004.The comprehensive choice of ICT for holistic development of education can be built only on a sound policy. The initiative of ICT Policy in School Education is inspired by the tremendous potential of ICT for enhancing outreach and improving quality of education. A parent is primary helper, monitor coordinator, observes, record keeper and decision maker for the child. The most important duty of parents is to look after their children and to take interest in their welfare and progress. ” Successful parenting entails both effective components in terms of commitment, empathy and positive regard for children.”

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