
The aim of this study is to uncover the whole interconnectedness of the social media use and the construction of ideal body-image standards by the young adults within the age-range from 18 to 24. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat give their users access to beauty standards that are tailor- made, ending up being surreal beauty ideals. The processes of social comparison via and among peers through social media platforms create a digital eco-system that rewards conformity to these standards of beauty. The study looks into the underlying processes that lead to body image perception being channeled through social media and, ultimately, to body dissatisfaction in this group of people. The study explores the frequency of cyberbullying, psychological implications, and effects on a general well-being to yield clues into the complicated relationship between social media and body positive standards. Comprehending this dynamic is the core to building up interventions and strategies to improve thoughts of body image and to lessen the adverse effects of social media on young people.

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