
Much to the disappointment of hard core disk operating system (DOS) wizards, many computer users have little knowledge of DOS commands and, in fact, they may not need much DOS knowledge in the future.Computer users today are able to manage files and move from application to application without directly invoking a DOS command. Application packages such as word processors, spread sheets, and data bases provide for file management. Special software programs are available that allow the user to backup an entire hard disk without any knowledge of DOS.Menu programs can be placed on a hard disk which allow the user to choose applications without knowing DOS commands. Perhaps the most creative programs to help the user avoid DOS, are the DOS management systems available on the market today which allow the user to speak English while the program speaks DOS to the system.On some campuses personnel are available to install and set up computers with hard disks using menu programs, applications, and DOS management programs. The user is trained in using the application and shown how to work with the menu system. As long as the system does not have a hardware or software problem, the user is able to be productive without extensive training in DOS commands. This process saves a great deal of time and money in training the computer user. Emphasis can be placed on training programs in areas where there is direct return for the time and money spent.Certainly a case could be developed to support DOS training for all computer users. Knowledge of the operating system, file management, backup procedures, etc. could be a tremendous advantage for the user. However, management must weigh the expenditure of time and cost against the advantages of training a staff in MS-DOS. Furthermore, not all computer users will find DOS friendly and their attempt to use the DOS commands could become frustrating and time consuming.

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