
The paper considers problems pertaining to higher durability and reliability of a cutting tool for cutting gastronomic products while using laser processing that leads to resistance increase of material operating surfaces against impact forces. Influence of laser fusion with additional doping on structure, microhardness, wear resistance for adhesive coatings of Fe–B–Cr–Si system has been studied in the paper. In order to solve a problem for selection of optimal qualitative and subsequently quantitative composition of a multi-component coating a mathematical modeling method using Scheffe’s simplex lattices has been used in the paper. Similar tendency for measuring micro-structure of all adhesive coatings fused by laser beams has been established in the paper. Increase in beam speed has caused the following microstructure changes: cast equilibrium, dendrite, supersaturated boride, carbide and boride. Response surface models have been found and they provide the possibility to assess influence quantity of laser processing parameters on microhardness of adhesive coatings obtained by laser doping and intensity of their wear under various conditions for all investigated compositions.It has been ascertained that there is no strict correlation between hardness and intensity of coating wear after laser doping used for adhesive coatings. This testifies to the fact that hardening has taken place not only due to an increase of carbide-boride phase, but also due to matrix hardening.In addition, a regression model for coating composition effect on tribological characteristics of the adhesive coatings has revealed that an optimal composition of a multicomponent coating ensuring maximum wear resistance of coatings constitutes B4C is 2/3 and 1/3 TaB. It has been determined that hardening of the adhesive coating after laser doping while using multicomponent coating occurs not only due to increase of carbide-boridnoy phase, but also due to matrix hardening.


  • Машиностроение beams has been established in the paper

  • Response surface models have been found and they provide the possibility to assess influence quantity of laser processing parameters on microhardness of adhesive coatings obtained by laser doping and intensity of their wear under various conditions for all investigated compositions.It has been ascertained that there is no strict correlation between hardness and intensity of coating wear after laser doping used for adhesive coatings

  • This testifies to the fact that hardening has taken place due to an increase of carbide-boride phase, and due to matrix hardening.In addition, a regression model for coating composition effect on tribological characteristics of the adhesive coatings has revealed that an optimal composition of a multicomponent coating ensuring maximum wear resistance of coatings constitutes B4C is 2/3 and 1/3 TaB

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Mechanical Engineering

К определению влияния варьирования режимов лазерной обработки на трибологические характеристики режущего инструмента. Позволяющие судить о степени влияния параметров лазерной обработки на микротвердость полученных лазерным легированием клеевых покрытий и интенсивность их изнашивания при различных усилиях для всех исследуемых составов. Установлено, что нет строгой корреляции между твердостью и интенсивностью изнашивания покрытий после лазерного легирования клеевых покрытий. Регрессионная модель влияния состава обмазки на трибологические характеристики клеевых покрытий показала, что оптимальный состав многокомпонентной обмазки, обеспечивающий максимальную износостойкость покрытий, составляет 2/3В4С и 1/3ТаВ. Установлено, что упрочнение клеевого покрытия после лазерного легирования многокомпонентной обмазкой происходит за счет не только увеличения карбидо-боридной фазы, но и упрочнения матрицы. В. К определению влияния варьирования режимов лазерной обработки на трибологические характеристики режущего инструмента / О.

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