
In a thin layer sonoelectrochemistry cell, a simple high frequency (ultrasonic) oscillator placed a short distance from a flat electrode surface focuses ultrasound at the electrode solution interface to impact rates of interfacial processes. Traditionally, sonoelectrochemistry in a bulk fluid uses high energy oscillators such as sonic horns that drive turbulent cavitation. In the thin layer arrangement, no cavitation is visible but rates of interfacial electrochemical events are enhanced. Effective thin layer sonoelectrochemistry requires attention to properties of the solvent and electrode material, frequency and amplitude of the oscillator, and the alignment and distance between the faces of the oscillator and the electrode. When properly configured, the thin layer sonocell enhances energy delivered to the fluid electrode interface through constructive interference. Because there is no cavitation, voltammetric morphologies remain similar to those in quiescent electrolytes. Here, conditions to set up an effective thin layer sonoelectrochemical cell are described.

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