
in this paper we will show how wind farms affect local marginal prices (LMPs), rates of line failure, reliability of transmission and generation, and operation costs for TNEP in the market.In order to model the transmission reliability, load shedding (LS) criterion LMP and outage durations were used in a single line failure or concurrent failure of wind and line units. Outage duration is a period that a line fails and a time required to reestablish the failed line. In generation reliability formulation, loss of load (LOL) and LS criteria were utilized as a consequence of wind unit outage, generation and congestion in transmission other than the value of lost load (VOLL), LMP and outage periods (failure and repair periods of units). In addition, the relation between wind unit and line loading was used to formulate the effects of wind units on LMP and line failure rates. Operation expense of generation system that includes pollution cost, fuel cost, and generation charge of energy by wind units is calculated using optimal power flow (OPF). Moreover, the status of network loss is influenced by the wind units is modeled via the bonding between line loading and wind units. The suggested model was used to evaluate the IEEE Reliability Test System (IEEE RTS).Finally, the results will be discussed.

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