
Tele‐Universite is a distance‐teaching institution which is part of the network of the Universite du Quebec. Its approach is an original and innovative one by the nature of its programme content, educational philosophy, and student services. Using a variety of media, Tele‐Universite aims to reach those population sectors of Quebec which do not have access to university services. The goal of Tele‐Universite is to provide an alternative educational institution to people who, by reason of geographical or social remoteness, have thus far had no access to institutions of higher education. The programme content of Tele‐Universite is modern and sophisticated, both pedagogically and technologically. The appeal of Tele‐Universite is primarily to adults and it is held that part of the reason for its success so far is the alternative educational framework Tele‐Universite offers. In spite of the alternative approach, however, compatibility with the existing system is assured, and total convertibility of credit is provided between Tele‐Universite and the other Quebec universities.

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