
Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate serum dynamic Thiol-Disulfide homeostasis and selenium levels as a new oxidative stress parameter in patients with pseudotumor cerebri. Material and Methods: A total of 55 participants, including twenty patients with pseudotumor cerebri (PTC) and thirty five healthy volunteers, were included in the study. Total Thiol (TT) (-SH+-S-S) and Native Thiol (NT) (-SH) levels were measured in serum samples of all PTC patients and healthy volunteers participating in the study. Dynamic disulfide bond (DDsB) levels (-S-S-) and (-S-S-)/(-SH), (-S-S-) /(-SH+-S-S-), (-SH)/(-SH+-S-S-) ratios were calculated and selenium levels were measured. The results of patients with PTC and healthy volunteers were compared. Results: TT, NT, DDsB levels and (-S-S-)/(-SH), (-S-S-)/(-SH+-S-S-) and (-SH)/(-SH+-S-S-) ratios were not statistically significant between patients with PTC and healthy volunteers. In the PTC patient group, we found a high negative lineer correlation between age and the NT (r: -0.726; p<0.001) and TT (r:-0.722; p <0.001) levels. In the control group, we found moderate negative lineer correlation between age and NT (r:-0.532; p<0.001) and TT (r:-0.568; p<0.001). Conclusion: We investigated oxidative stress exposure using dynamic thiol/disulfide homeostasis and selenium levels in patients with PTC. We suggest that age may also be an important parameter in the change of antioxidant balance.

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