
Two-axis micromanipulators, whose tip orientation and position can be controlled in real time in the scanning plane, enable versatile probing systems for 2.5-D nanometrology. The key to achieve high-precision probing systems is to accurately control the interaction point of the manipulator tip when its orientation is changed. This paper presents the development of a probing system wherein the deviation in the end point due to large orientation changes is controlled to within 10 nm. To achieve this, a novel micromanipulator design is first proposed, wherein the end point of the tip is located on the axis of rotation. Next, the residual tip motion caused by fabrication error and actuation crosstalk is modeled and a systematic method to compensate it is presented. The manipulator is fabricated and the performance of the developed scheme to control tip position during orientation change is experimentally validated. Subsequently, the two-axis probing system is demonstrated to scan the full top surface of a micropipette down to a diameter of 300 nm.

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