
Many countries have established implementation strategies for the use of BIM in construction projects which have resulted in the widespread adoption of BIM. To catch up, the Ministry of PUPR has launched the Indonesia Digital Construction Roadmap 2017-2024 through 4 stages, namely the Adoption, Digitalization, Collaboration, and Integration stages. However, currently at the Adoption stage of the Roadmap, it is still focused on only a few PUPR infrastructure projects. This is due to problems such as the unavailability of policies and regulations for implementing BIM for the entire PUPR infrastructure sector, the lack of mastery of BIM from both Users and Service Providers, the project scale is not yet massive so that the price of BIM software is felt to be still burdening the Provider. This study aims to investigate the mastery of BIM through a study of the level of use, implementation, and identification of the dominant barriers to BIM adoption, especially for construction project actors in Bali. This research is expected to help construction industry practitioners to understand the challenges of BIM adoption in Bali. Data collection was carried out by survey method using a questionnaire. Respondents were selected using the purposive sampling method, namely experts in construction projects in Bali. The method of analysis is descriptive statistics which includes central tendency measurement, variability measurement, and the Relative Importance Index (RII). The survey results from all respondents showed that the adoption rate of BIM for construction project actors in Bali was 19%. Level of BIM implementation of construction project actors in Bali were 89% at BIM level 1 and 11% were at BIM level 2. The dominant obstacles in BIM adoption are the high cost of adoption, lack of experts, lack of government role in encouraging BIM adoption, difficulty changing work processes and there is no standard and protocol in applying BIM in the project.


  • Many countries have established implementation strategies for the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in construction projects which have resulted in the widespread adoption of BIM

  • This study aims to investigate the mastery of BIM through a study of the level of use, implementation, and identification of the dominant barriers to BIM adoption, especially for construction project actors in Bali

  • Building Information Modeling- BIM: Contractual Risks are Changing with Technology

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Layanan BIM memberikan potensi untuk memodelkan informasi virtual dalam sebuah model tunggal yang menawarkan visualisasi, deteksi benturan, fase konstruksi, dan bahan-bahan serta pengujian model untuk diserahkan oleh tim desain (arsitek, surveyor, insinyur konsultasi, dan lain-lain) kepada kontraktor dan subkontraktor dan kemudian ke pemiliknya. Banyak negara telah menetapkan strategi implementasi untuk penggunaan BIM pada proyek konstruksi yang telah menghasilkan penyebaran luas adopsi BIM misalnya, Inggris, Amerika Serikat, Australia dan Singapura. Sebagai usaha untuk mengejar ketinggalan tersebut, pada tahun 2017 Kementerian PUPR sebagai Kementerian yang membidangi Bangunan Gedung meluncurkan Roadmap Konstruksi Digital Indonesia 20172024 melalui 4 tahap, yaitu tahap Adopsi, Digitalisasi, Kolaborasi, dan Integrasi. Namun pada tahap Adopsi dari Roadmap tersebut saat ini masih difokuskan hanya pada beberapa proyek infrastruktur PUPR saja. Hal ini disebabkan oleh permasalahan seperti, belum tersedianya kebijakan dan peraturan penerapan BIM untuk seluruh sektor infrastruktur PUPR, masih kurangnya penguasaan tentang penguasaan BIM baik dari Pengguna, maupun Penyedia Jasa, belum masifnya skala proyek sehingga harga perangkat lunak BIM dirasa masih membebani Penyedia. Penelitian ini diharapkan membantu praktisi industri konstruksi untuk memahami tantangan implementasi BIM, khususnya di Bali

Nilai Masing-masing Hambatan
20 Pasar yang belum siap menerima perubahan ke BIM
14 Adanya masalah kepemilikan kekayaan intelektual dan hak cipta disain HB14
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