
Trichophyton soudanense (Joyeux, 1 1912) is a frequent cause of tinea capitis in certain regions of Africa. Infections of skin and nails are less frequent. 2 To our knowledge, this is the first published report of a scalp infection by this dermatophyte in the United States; however, two reports of tinea corporis have been published. 2,3 Report of a Case A 6-year-old, American girl who had never left the Philadelphia area developed four pruritic, round areas of alopecia in the occipital area of her scalp. The plaques were slightly elevated, scaly, dull red, and 1- to 4-cm in diameter. The follicles contained black dots that were broken hairs containing spores 6 to 7 μ in diameter. There were enlarged lymph nodes in the posterior cervical and postauricular areas. Inoculation of broken hairs on Sabouraud's glucose agar yielded a folded, yellow to dried apricot colony surrounded by submerged mycelium. Results of

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