The Indonesian country is rich in farmed communities, especially agricultural livelihoods. It is not rare that farm yields fail to meet its quality standards, satisfy the health and safety of masvardized research purposes, which are assessed the form of legal protection to consumers, plantation criteria, punishments that are given to criminal processing, distribution and or or marketing of health and safety estates. Using normatif juridical research methods by studying the major issues based on data obtained. The study USES analytical descriptive properties to give swift response to the objects being examined. The conclusion that the processing, distribution and marketing of plantation products has been established in article 77 Jo 110 of the 2014 section no. 39 on plantation and section no. 8 of 1999 on consumer protection. Food and drug administration regulation no. 28 stages 2019 of food-care agents. The use of additives or helper that is used does not fit security requirements and quality or use that exceeds have adverse effects on human health and safety. At the risk of public health and safety, non-performing consumers will be punished by the da's criminal penalties
S analytical descriptive properties to give swift response to the objects being examined
The conclusion that the processing, distribution and marketing of plantation products has been established in article 77 Jo 110 of the 2014 section no. 39 on plantation and section no. 8 of 1999 on consumer protection
At the risk of public health and safety, non-performing consumers will be punished by the da's criminal penalties
Negara Indonesia kaya akan hasil bumi sebagaian besar masyarakat bermata pencaharian bertani khususnya hasil perkebunan. Tidak jarang hasil perkebunan tidak memenuhi standart mutu, memenuhi kesehatan dan keselamatan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis bentuk Perlindungan Hukum kepada konsumen, kriteria hasil perkebunan, hukuman yang diberikan kepada pelaku tindak pidana Pengolahan, Peredaran dan atau Pemasaran Hasil Perkebunan Membahayakan Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan. Kesimpulan bahwa pengolahan, peredaran dan pemasaran hasil perkebunan telah diatur dalam pasal 77 jo 110 UU No 39 Tahun 2014 tentang perkebunan dan UU No 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. Penggunaan bahan tambahan atau bahan penolong yang digunakan tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan keamanan dan mutu atau pemakaian yang melebihi memberikan dampak tidak baik bagi kesehatan dan keselamatan manusia. Pelaku usaha yang melakukan perbuatan melanggar dalam pengolahan, pengedaran dan atau pemasaran yang merugikan kesehatan dan keselamatan manusia yang menimbulkan persaingan usaha tidak sehat dan akan diberikan hukuman berupa sanksi pidana dan sanksi adminstrasi Kata Kunci: Pengolahan, Peredaran dan atau Pemasaran, Hasil Perkebunan, Berbahaya bagi Manusia
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