
The study aims to identify the clients' perceptions regarding Timor coffees' diversification to enhance the value marketing in the hospitality industry (1). Also, the objective of this study is to create a prototype of Timor's coffee instant based on the client's perception (2). The population of this study is the coffee lover clients, and the undefined sample of the clients was used as simple random sampling, which is 384 participants, and the key informants are 12 informants. This study applies a mix-method study of qualitative and quantitative study. The data collection method conducted observation, in-depth interviews, and surveys using questionnaires, and the data analysis used narrative and descriptive analysis. The result of this study is that most of the informants mentioned that the good quality of coffee is arabica coffee. They mostly agreed with the coffee diversification to enhance the value of Timor-Leste coffee. Also, the good quality of coffee starts from harvesting, fermentation, roasting, and preparing the coffee. Furthermore, regarding the clients' perceptions, 86% of clients agree with the diversification of Timor-Leste's coffee to be competed in the marketing, 65% strongly agree with drinking original Timor-Leste coffee. Moreover, 57% is clients' perception regarding Timor-Leste coffee instant and herbal (ginger and cinnamon) and 87% strongly agree that this diversification could increase the coffees’ farmer income. Moreover, the results of the prototype coffee of this study are Herbal drip original coffee mix with ginger and cinnamon, Timor-Leste coffee 2in1 and 3in1, and Timor-Leste coffee capsule (ginger and cinnamon). The benefit of this study is for clients to consume Timor-Leste's coffee instant, and thus, the reduction of importing coffee instant to Timor-Leste. Also, it is beneficial for agriculture area, especially coffee farmers, to plant more coffee as it is essential for farmers, clients, and the nation's national income.

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