Rivers are characterized by rapid and continuous one-way directional fluxes of flowing, aqueous habitat, chemicals, suspended particles, and resident plankton. Therefore, at any particular location in such systems there is the potential for continuous, and possibly abrupt, changes in diversity and metabolic activities of suspended biota. As microorganisms are the principal catalysts of organic matter degradation and nutrient cycling in rivers, examination of their assemblage dynamics is fundamental to understanding system-level biogeochemical patterns and processes. However, there is little known of the dynamics of microbial assemblage composition or production of large rivers along a time interval gradient. We quantified variation in alpha and beta diversity and production of particle-associated and free-living bacterioplankton assemblages collected at a single site on the Lower Mississippi River (LMR), the final segment of the largest river system in North America. Samples were collected at timescales ranging from days to weeks to months up to a year. For both alpha and beta diversity, there were similar patterns of temporal variation in particle-associated and free-living assemblages. Alpha diversity, while always higher on particles, varied as much at a daily as at a monthly timescale. Beta diversity, in contrast, gradually increased with time interval of sampling, peaking between samples collected 180 days apart, before gradually declining between samples collected up to one year apart. The primary environmental driver of the temporal pattern in beta diversity was temperature, followed by dissolved nitrogen and chlorophyll a concentrations. Particle-associated bacterial production corresponded strongly to temperature, while free-living production was much lower and constant over time. We conclude that particle-associated and free-living bacterioplankton assemblages of the LMR vary in richness, composition, and production at distinct timescales in response to differing sets of environmental factors. This is the first temporal longitudinal study of microbial assemblage structure and dynamics in the LMR.
In small streams, because of frequent and pronounced environmental disturbances in physical and chemical conditions, variation in microbial assemblage structure may be unrelated to timescale so that assemblages sampled closer in time may be as dissimilar as those sampled months apart [1]
Seasonally recurrent bacterioplankton assemblages have been observed in temperate marine environments [3, 4], lakes [5, 6], and even large rivers [7–10] associated with variation in day length, water temperature, hydrology, and nutrient concentrations
Total suspended sediment (TSS) concentrations peaked during high discharge on 6-May and 8-July, while Chlorophyll a (Chla) concentrations were at a maximum during low discharge on 5-November
Because of frequent and pronounced environmental disturbances in physical and chemical conditions, variation in microbial assemblage structure may be unrelated to timescale so that assemblages sampled closer in time may be as dissimilar as those sampled months apart [1]. In less stochastically disturbed aquatic systems, microbial assemblages appear to vary more predictably, and over the same temporal scales in which there is variation in diversity and/or activity of annual plant and animal assemblages [2]. Temporal dynamics of bacterial communities have been well described for many aquatic ecosystems, yet temporal variability in bacterioplankton assemblages of large rivers remains understudied. This is a significant gap in our knowledge of large river ecology, because of the importance of large rivers as conduits of nutrients to the sea [13]; because, as in other environments, bacteria are the most versatile and presumably the most important catalysts of biogeochemical transformations [14]; and because bacteria can reproduce rapidly and their community composition respond to environmental changes on a short-term basis [15]
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