
Traditional machine learning methods face unique challenges when applied to healthcare predictive analytics. The high-dimensional nature of healthcare data necessitates labor-intensive and time-consuming processes when selecting an appropriate set of features for each new task. Furthermore, machine learning methods depend heavily on feature engineering to capture the sequential nature of patient data, oftentimes failing to adequately leverage the temporal patterns of medical events and their dependencies. In contrast, recent deep learning (DL) methods have shown promising performance for various healthcare prediction tasks by specifically addressing the high-dimensional and temporal challenges of medical data. DL techniques excel at learning useful representations of medical concepts and patient clinical data as well as their nonlinear interactions from high-dimensional raw or minimally processed healthcare data. In this article, we systematically reviewed research works that focused on advancing deep neural networks to leverage patient structured time series data for healthcare prediction tasks. To identify relevant studies, we searched MEDLINE, IEEE, Scopus, and ACM Digital Library for relevant publications through November 4, 2021. Overall, we found that researchers have contributed to deep time series prediction literature in 10 identifiable research streams: DL models, missing value handling, addressing temporal irregularity, patient representation, static data inclusion, attention mechanisms, interpretation, incorporation of medical ontologies, learning strategies, and scalability. This study summarizes research insights from these literature streams, identifies several critical research gaps, and suggests future research opportunities for DL applications using patient time series data.

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