Errors are aversive, motivationally-salient events which prime defensive action. This is reflected in a potentiated startle reflex after the commission of an error. The current study replicates and extends previous work examining the time course of error-potentiated startle as a function of startle lag (i.e., 300 ms or 800 ms following correct and error responses). In addition, the relationship between error-potentiated startle and error-related brain activity in both the temporal (error-related negativity, ERN/Ne) and spectral (error-related theta and delta power) domains was investigated. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 32 healthy undergraduates while they performed an arrowhead version of a flanker task. Complex Morlet wavelets were applied to compute oscillatory power in the delta- and theta-band range. Consistent with our previous report, startle was larger following errors. Furthermore, this effect was evident at both early and late startle probe times. Increased delta and theta power after an error was associated with larger error-potentiated startle. An association between ERN amplitude and error-potentiated startle was only observed in a subgroup of individuals with relatively large ERN/Ne amplitude. Among these individuals, ERN/Ne magnitude was also related to multiple indices of task performance. This study further supports the notion that errors are aversive events that prime defensive motivation, and that error-potentiated startle is evident beyond the immediate commission of an error and can be predicted from error-related brain activity.
Published Version
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