Mapping of coastline changes helps in coastal development and monitoring. The city of Dumai, on the east coast of Riau Province, has undergone significant and radical changes caused by the intervention of humans and nature over the past three decades. This study mapped and measured the rate of change of the coastline of Dumai City for 30 years. The Landsat (TM, and OLI) image series, 1990, 1999, 2008, and 2020 became a data source to generate coastlines through on-screen digitization techniques, then to study the temporal behavior of coastlines using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) and geographic information systems to describe the spatial and temporal variations of coastlines. The results showed that the coastline length during the observation ranged from 123,14 to 125,23 km, while the average accretion rate was 1.17 meters per year while the average abrasion rate was 2.04 meters per year. Those rates of change affected coastline expanded to the sea for 60,82 hectares and eroded 760,20 hectares coastline to the land.
Wilayah pesisir mencakup 2% dari permukaan planet dan hampir 10% (600 juta) dari populasi bumi mendiami di wilayah tersebut (Feagin, 2008)
The results showed that the coastline length during the observation ranged from 123,14 to 125,23 km, while the average accretion rate was 1.17 meters per year while the average abrasion rate was 2.04 meters per year
Analysis of Coastal Zone Data of Northern Yantai Collected by Remote Sensing from 1990 to 2018
Lokasi penelitian Penelitian dilakukan sepanjang garis pantai (121,12 km) Kota Dumai (Gambar 1). Citra Landsat telah banyak digunakan dalam ekstraksi garis pantai dan penelitian di wilayah pesisir karena memiliki seri data yang panjang, resolusi tinggi dan ketersediaan bebas sejak munculnya teknologi penginderaan jauh satelit pada tahun 1970-an (Athanasiou et al, 2019; Luijendijk et al, 2018). DSAS diterapkan pada garis pantai Kota Dumai yang diekstraksi dan diilustrasikan melalui Gambar 2. Transek yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 2, mewakili pergerakan garis tepi pantai antara dua tahun melalui warna garis yang dikategorikan ke dalam rentang yang berbeda. Garis pantai yang dihasilkan kemudian digabung (merge) dengan batas administrasi Kota Dumai (fitur spasial berupa garis), hasil penggabungan tersebut kemudian diubah menjadi fitur polygon, lalu ditambahkan atribut penanda masing-masing polygon (tahun perekaman sumber data garis pantai), kemudian di-overlay melalui tool geoprocessing union.
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