
Abstract Disclosure: I. Mishra: None. S.K. Sahoo: None. A.K. Baliarsinha: None. Ovotesticular disorder of sex development (OT-DSD) is a condition associated with presence of both testicular and ovarian tissue in same individual, in which these tissues may co-exist either in the same gonad or independently. 46 XXOTD are most common. We describe 3 cases of 46 XXOTD presenting in their post pubertal years with varied presentation. Case 1: 19 year old reared as male presented with peripubertal gynaecomastia and cyclical pain abdomen. On examination there was symmetrical genitalia, non palpable gonads, microphallus, single genital opening below phallus (Prader 3), pubic hair stage 4, axillary hair stage 3 and breast stage 5. Biochemical evaluation revealed serum testosterone (19 ng/dl), 17-hydroxy progesterone (1.7ng/ml), LH (2.6IU/L), FSH (8.6IU/L) and E2(112pg/ml). Karyotype 46XX, FISH SRY negative. USG abdomen s/o uterus like structure with absent wollfian remnants. Post laproscopy histopathology s/o bilateral ovotestis, normal ovarian stroma with hyalinized seminiferous tubule, sertoli cells and leydig cells. Case 2: 18 year old reared as male presented with peripubertal gynaecomastia and genital ambiguity. On examination there was asymmetrical genitalia, palpable right scrotal gonads, phallus, single genital opening at base of phallus, pubic hair stage 4, axillary hair stage 3 and breast stage 5. Biochemical evaluation revealed serum testosterone (110ng/dl), LH (4.6IU/L), FSH (11.2IU/L) and E2(46pg/ml). Karyotype 46XX.USG abdomen s/o hypoplastic uterus like structure with possible ovary in left side of pelvis, hypoplastic testis in right scrotal sac. Post laproscopy histopathology was s/o left dysgenetic ovary, and hypoplastic uterus. Case 3: 17 year old reared as male presented with peripubertal gynaecomastia. On examination there was symmetrical genitalia, non palpable gonads, microphallus, single genital opening at the base of phallus (Prader 4), pubic hair stage 4, axillary hair stage 2 and breast stage 4. Biochemical evaluation revealed serum testosterone (98ng/dl), 17-hydroxyprogesterone (0.58ng/ml), LH (4.05IU/L), FSH (7.12IU/L) and E2 (96 pg/ml). Karyotype 46XX, FISH SRY positive. USG abdomen s/o uterus like structure with apparent left ovary and non visualization of right gonads. Post laproscopy histopathology s/o rudimentary uterus, left ovary with follicles and right gonads showing semineferous tubules with sertoli cells and few hyperplastic leydig cells. 46 XX OTDSD presents with wide phenotypic variability, which influences decisions about gender assignment and need of surgery. Conservative therapy, whenever feasible, is desirable to achieve fertility. Multidisciplinary team approach is required for healthy physical and psychological well-beings of these individuals. Presentation: Thursday, June 15, 2023

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