
Through-space heteronuclear correlation (D-HETCOR) experiments based on heteronuclear multiple-quantum correlation (D-HMQC) and refocused insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer (D-RINEPT) sequences have been proven to be useful approaches for the detection of the spatial proximity between half-integer quadrupolar nuclei in solids under magic-angle spinning (MAS) conditions. The corresponding pulse sequences employ coherence transfers mediated by heteronuclear dipolar interactions, which are reintroduced under MAS by radiofrequency irradiation of only one of the two correlated nuclei. We investigate herein using numerical simulations of spin dynamics and solid-state NMR experiments on magnesium aluminoborate glass how the choice of the channel to which the heteronuclear dipolar recoupling is applied affects the transfer efficiency of D-HMQC and D-RINEPT sequences between 11 B and 27 Al nuclei. Experimental results show that maximum transfer efficiency is achieved when the recoupling scheme is applied to the channel, for which the spin magnetization is parallel to the B0 axis in average.

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