
Complex, non-linear, irreversible, hysteretic behavior of polycrystalline ferroelectric materials under a combined electro-mechanical loading is a result of domain wall motion, causing simultaneous expansion and contraction of unlike domains, grain sub-divisions that have distinct spontaneous polarization and strain. In this paper, a 3-dimensional finite element method is used to simulate such a polycrystalline ferroelectric under electrical and mechanical loading. A constitutive law due to Huber et al. [1999. A constitutive model for ferroelectric polycrystals. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 47, 1663–1697] for switching by domain wall motion in multidomain ferroelectric single crystals is employed in our model to represent each grain, and the finite element method is used to solve the governing conditions of mechanical equilibrium and Gauss's law. The results provide the average behavior for the polycrystalline ceramic. We compare the outcomes predicted by this model with the available experimental data for various electromechanical loading conditions. The qualitative features of ferroelectric switching are predicted well, including hysteresis and butterfly loops, the effect on them of mechanical compression, and the response of the polycrystal to non-proportional electrical loading.

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