
We present 3D full star simulations, reaching up to 90% of the total stellar radius, for three 7 M ⊙ stars of different ages: zero-age main sequence (ZAMS), mid–main sequence (midMS), and terminal-age main sequence (TAMS). A comparison with several theoretical prescriptions shows that the generation spectra for all three ages are dominated by convective plumes. Two distinct overshooting layers are observed, with most plumes stopped within the layer situated directly above the convective boundary; overshooting to the second, deeper layer becomes progressively more infrequent with increasing stellar age. Internal gravity wave (IGW) propagation is significantly impacted in the midMS and TAMS models as a result of some IGWs getting trapped within their Brunt–Väisälä frequency spikes. A fundamental change in the wave structure across radius is also observed, driven by the effect of density stratification on IGW propagation causing waves to become evanescent within the radiative zone, with older stars being affected more strongly. We find that the steepness of the frequency spectrum at the surface increases from ZAMS to the older models, with older stars also showing more modes in their spectra.

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