
Ideal magnetohydrodynamic turbulence is treated using more realistic boundary conditions than rectangular periodic boundary conditions. The dynamical equations of incompressible magnetohydrodynamics and the associated fields are expanded in a set of vector eigenfunctions of the curl. The individual eigenfunctions represent force-free fields, but superpositions of them do not. Three integral invariants have simple quadratic expressions in the expansion coefficients: the total energy, the magnetic helicity, and the cross helicity. The invariants remain temporally constant in the face of a truncation at a large but finite number of coefficients. Boundary conditions imposed are those for a rigid, perfectly-conducting cylindrical boundary, with an arbitrary periodicity length parallel to the axis. Canonical distributions are constructed from the invariants. Mean-square turbulent velocity fields 〈v2〉 have finite values for virtually all initial conditions, including quiescient ones. The stability problem can be reformulated as a search for values of the integral invariants which will minimize 〈v2〉. This leads to a principle of extremal helicity, which requires a magnetic configuration which will minimize 〈v2〉 for a given total energy. The development of helical macroscopic structures in the cylinder as a function of increasing ratio of axial current to axial magnetic flux is predicted.

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