
Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonography is gradually finding a role in the field of reproductive medicine. It has been used for the assessment of uterine congenital anomalies, diagnosing intrauterine focal pathology, testing tubal patency, as well as ovarian follicular monitoring and endometrial receptivity 1 . The image on the cover of this issue of the Journal is a 3D image of a heterotopic pregnancy at 6 weeks’ gestation. The term ‘heterotopic pregnancy’ describes the condition when one embryo is correctly implanted in the uterine cavity whilst another embryo is implanted ectopically outside the cavity. A recent review reported that most (72%) heterotopic pregnancies are treated surgically and 27% managed conservatively. Following treatment of the heterotopic pregnancy, most remaining intrauterine pregnancies result in healthy neonates delivered at term with 26% of pregnancies ending in miscarriage 2 .

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