
Peace agreements are complex endeavours that can be carried out from different angles. The perspectives used depend not only on the conflict dynamics but also on the political ideology of each government and that of the international forces that have their own interests concerning the pursuit of peacebuilding in conflict zones. The framework used in each peace agreement has an impact on the different stages of the process, including exploration, negotiation, the final agreement and its implementation. This paper analyses three peace processes implemented by the Colombian government and armed groups from 1982 to 2016. I use three Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) theories to analyze the structure used in each peace process that include realism, democratic-liberal peace, and conflict resolution theories. I conclude that only the most recent peace agreement which ended in 2016 between FARC-EP and the Colombian government incorporated significant elements from the conflict resolution framework, the other two processes fluctuate between realism and the democratic-liberal peace.


  • Peace agreements are complex endeavours that can be carried out from different angles. e perspectives used depend on the con ict dynamics and on the political ideology of each government and that of the international forces that have their own interests concerning the pursuit of peacebuilding in con ict zones. e framework used in each peace agreement has an impact on the different stages of the process, including exploration, negotiation, the nal agreement and its implementation. is paper analyses three peace processes implemented by the Colombian Government and armed groups from 1982 to 2016

  • Colombia is a country with a long history of peace negotiations. e peace negotiation endeavours started at the beginning of the 19th century, with negotiations between Antonio Nariño and Camilo Torres, to the present day with negotiations between the national government and the Revolutionary Armed ForcesPeople’s Army (FARC-EP). is long history of peace negotiations should contain enough empirical material to have a solid research agenda of studies on negotiated peace; it just recently emerged as an area of study in the Colombian academe (Valencia Agudelo, 2017)

  • It is important to explore in more detail the components and the contexts in which these peace processes were developed in order to understand more accurately the elements in each perspective that worked or failed in nding a peaceful, fair negotiation in the Colombian con ict. is article raises questions for future research about the peace agreement implementation; for example, if the hybrid framework of the peace agreement process is being correctly translated into the implementation, or whether the communities and people in Colombia are perceiving a con ict transformation thanks to the peace agreement

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Colombia is a country with a long history of peace negotiations. e peace negotiation endeavours started at the beginning of the 19th century, with negotiations between Antonio Nariño and Camilo Torres, to the present day with negotiations between the national government and the Revolutionary Armed ForcesPeople’s Army (FARC-EP). is long history of peace negotiations should contain enough empirical material to have a solid research agenda of studies on negotiated peace; it just recently emerged as an area of study in the Colombian academe (Valencia Agudelo, 2017). I conclude that only the most recent peace agreement that ended in 2016 between FARC-EP and the Colombian government incorporated signi cant elements from the con ict resolution framework, the other two processes uctuate between realism and the democratic-liberal peace.

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