To develop and validate a pachymetry-based machine learning index for differentiating keratoconus, keratoconus suspect, and normal corneas. Development and validation of a machine learning diagnostic algorithm. This retrospective study included 349 eyes of 349 patients with normal, frank keratoconus (KC), and keratoconus suspect (KCS) corneas. KCS corneas included topographically/tomographically normal (TNF) and borderline fellow eyes (TBF) of patients with asymmetric keratoconus. Six parameters were derived from the Corneal Thickness Progression map on the Galilei Dual Scheimpflug-Placido system and fed into a machine-learning algorithm to create the Thickness Speed Progression Index (TSPI). The model was trained with 5-fold cross-validation using a random search over 7 different machine learning algorithms, and the best model and hyperparameters were selected. 133 normal eyes, 141 KC eyes, and 75 KCS eyes, subdivided into 34 TNF and 41 TBF eyes, were included. In experiment 1 (normal and KC), the best model (Random Forest) achieved an accuracy of 100% and AUROC of 1.00 for both normal and KC groups. In experiment 2 (normal, KCS, and KC), the model achieved an overall accuracy of 91%, and AUROC curves of 0.93, 0.83, and 0.99 in detecting normal, KCS, and KC corneas respectively. In experiment 3 (normal, TNF, TBF, and KC), the model achieved an accuracy of 87% with AUROC curves of 0.91, 0.60, 0.77, and 0.94 for normal, TNF, TBF, and KC corneas, respectively. Using data solely based on pachymetry, machine learning algorithms such as the TSPI are able to discriminate normal corneas from keratoconus and keratoconus suspects corneas with reasonable accuracy.
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