
Thermoluminescent (TL) properties of two concentration series lithium potassium yttrium fluoride doped with praseodymium (LiKYF5:Pr3+) and potassium yttrium fluoride doped with thulium (KYF4:Tm3+) have been investigated after gamma and neutron irradiation. The main purpose of this research is to see whether these materials are suitable for gamma and/or neutron dosimetry purposes. It has been found that the compounds of both series are sensitive to 60Co gamma radiation. A maximal TL sensitivity is found for LiKY0.99Pr0.01F5 and KY0.99Tm0.01F4. However, for this doping level the intensity of the TL glow peak is about 7 times less than that for LiF:Mg,Ti (TLD-700). The TL sensitivity to thermal neutrons is relatively higher than that to 60Co photons. No TL sensitivity to fast neutrons was observed.

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