
Under irradiation, the formation of fission products in the (U,Pu)O2 fuel with time has a substantial effect on its chemistry. In particular, migration of the most volatile fission products (Cs, Te, I, Mo) from the center to the periphery of the fuel pellet is induced by the large radial thermal gradient. To predict the thermodynamic properties of the irradiated fuel, thermodynamic modeling of the complex multi-component (Cs-I-Te-Mo)–(U-Pu)–O system is performed using the CALPHAD method. In this work, the thermodynamic assessment of the U–Te sub-system is performed. The literature review reveals a lack of experimental data as well as scattering and inconsistency of some of the data. In particular, no thermodynamic data exist on the liquid. From this review, input thermodynamic and phase diagram data are carefully selected. The Gibbs energy functions are then adjusted by fitting these data. An overall good agreement is obtained with all the selected data except for the enthalpy of formation for UTe which is underestimated by 13% by our model. This could be due to an inconsistency between the enthalpy of formation and vapor pressure data. In a second step, the uncertainties on the thermodynamic parameters and their propagation on the calculated thermodynamic and phase diagram data are estimated using a Bayesian approach. The analysis shows that there are too many parameters (22) for too few data points (120 points). The uncertainties are thus large on some of the calculated data. Moreover the inconsistency of some of the data and the lack of thermodynamic data for the liquid makes the model uncertain. New experimental data such as heat capacity, enthalpy of formation for the compounds, and chemical potentials or activities for the liquid phase would improve the reliability of our model. Measurements of phase diagram data in the U–UTe2 region are also required. However this work provides the first detailed uncertainty analysis of the U–Te CALPHAD model. Moreover our approach, contrary to other Bayesian methods, provides an analytical posterior probability distribution and analytical credible intervals for the calculated thermodynamic quantities. It also speeds up the simulation of the uncertainty estimations on the phase diagram.


  • In sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR), the fuel pins are made of uranium and plutonium dioxide (U,Pu)O2 pellets stacked in steel cladding

  • The most volatile ones such as iodine, cesium, tellurium, and molybdenum migrate from the center to the periphery of the fuel pellet and form a layer enriched in these fission products, the so-called “Joint-Oxyde-Gaine”

  • Experimental phase diagram and thermodynamic data have been used as input data to optimize the Gibbs energy functions for UTe, U3 Te4, U2 Te3, U3 Te5, UTe2, U2 Te5, UTe3, and UTe5 and for the liquid phase

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The propagation of these fitting data uncertainties onto the thermodynamic parameters featured in the Gibbs energy functions in the CALPHAD models are rarely estimated. A Bayesian approach is applied to estimate the uncertainties on the thermodynamic parameters and their propagation on the calculated phase diagram and thermodynamic data. Their propagation on the calculated thermodynamic and phase diagram data is described. The input data for the optimization procedure are selected

Crystal Structure Data
Phase Diagram Data
Thermodynamic Data
Gibbs Energy Models
Optimization Procedure
Use of Conjugate Prior Distribution for CALPHAD Modeling
Bayesian Inference
Conjugate Prior Probability Distribution
Uncertainty on the Calculated Thermodynamic Quantities
Enthalpy of Formation
Partial Pressures for the Two-Phase Regions
Uncertatinty on the Calculated Phase Diagram
CALPHAD Assessment
Uncertainty Propagation with the Bayesian Approach
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