
It is an indisputable fact that much saving could be achieved provided that the efficiency of thermal plants, which bear a huge share in the distribution of generated energy, could be increased by making certain improvements and minimize the losses. These practices as a natural consequence shall provide useful benefits to find a solution for energy problem.In the current study exergy and thermoeconomic analyses of Turkey-based Çayırhan thermal power plant have been conducted. Thermodynamic properties of the inlet and outlet points of each unit in thermal plant have been specified via EES package program. With the help of obtained thermodynamic properties, thermal and second law efficiencies of thermal power plant have been found respectively as 38% and 53%. In thermal power plant, the highest amounts of exergy losses are witnessed alternatively in; the boiler, turbine groups, condenser, heater group and pump groups. The highest amount of exergy loss costs are seen respectively in boiler, turbine group and condenser. When exergoeconomic factors are examined, the highest factor has been measured in turbine group, which is followed respectively by boiler and condenser drain pump.

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