
Part 1 Basic principles: thermodynamic functions and relations - the basic concepts, the first law of thermodynamics, Joule-Thomson effect, the second law of thermodynamics, the third law of thermodynamics (Nernst heat theorem), fundamental relations of thermodynamics, closed system with reactions, chemical potential, chemical equilibrium, mixtures, Gibbs phase rule, electrochemical reactions calculations of thermochemical functions - units and conventions, calculations of the thermochemical functions of pure substances, equilibrium calculations, exergy and entropy balances. Part 2 Compilation and presentation of thermochemical data: compilation of thermochemical data - basic thermochemical data, existing compilations, thermochemical tables. Part 3 Tables in the present work: preparation of the tables - general remarks, data sources, accuracy, units, standard states, reference phase for the elements at 298.15K and 1 bar construction of the tables - arrangement of substances, order of the phases in the tables contents and structure of the tables - formula, name and relative molar mass, tabulated functions, sequence of temperatures, phase transitions, the final temperature in the tables, references for the sources of data, abbreviations and symbols. Part 4 Examples of the use of the tables: examples of thermodynamic calculations - enthalpy changes, exergy and entropy balance calculations, equilibrium calculations, equilibrium in simplified systems with several phases and components, electrochemical energy conversion, high temperature fuel cell, the calculation of equilibria in multi-phases, multicomponent systems. Part 5 Information on the tables: fundamental constants and conversion factors - fundamental constants, conversion factors for energy units, conversions for entropies of gases, relative atomic masses of the elements based on A...=12 for 12C. Part 6 Symbols, abbreviations and references: symbols and abbreviations used in the tables reference phases of elements at 1 bar references for the data in the tables. Part 7 The tables: tables of thermochemical data of pure substances.

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