
In this work, we have considered a non-canonical scalar field dark energy model in the framework of flat FRW background. It has also been assumed that the dark matter sector interacts with the non-canonical dark energy sector through some interaction term. Using the solutions for this interacting non-canonical scalar field dark energy model, we have investigated the validity of generalized second law (GSL) of thermodynamics in various scenarios using first law and area law of thermodynamics. For this purpose, we have assumed two types of horizons viz apparent horizon and event horizon for the universe and using first law of thermodynamics, we have examined the validity of GSL on both apparent and event horizons. Next, we have considered two types of entropy-corrections on apparent and event horizons. Using the modified area law, we have examined the validity of GSL of thermodynamics on apparent and event horizons under some restrictions of model parameters.


  • Most of the dark energy models consider the field to be non-interacting

  • It has been shown that BOSS (Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey) data provides evidence for interacting Dark Energy [19]

  • We investigate the validity of generalized second law (GSL) of thermodynamics for the non-canonical model at both the apparent horizon and the event horizon

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Most of the dark energy models consider the field to be non-interacting. Presently we live in an epoch where the densities of the dark energy and the dark matter are comparable and this coincidence problem can be dealt with by taking a suitable interaction between the two dark sectors. Since nothing is known about the nature of DE, search is still on to find a suitable and observationally viable interaction term Motivated by these facts, recently non-canonical scalar field DE models are being studied which interacts with the dark matter sector through a source term [18]. Can be considered as a power-law correction to the entropyarea law, arising from entanglement of the wave-function of the scalar field between the ground state and the exited state [42] Motivated by these facts, we consider a non-canonical scalar field model of the universe which is interacting with the matter sector via some source term. We investigate the validity of GSL of thermodynamics for the non-canonical model at both the apparent horizon and the event horizon.

A model of non-canonical scalar field interacting with matter
Generalized second law of thermodynamics on apparent and event horizons
At apparent horizon
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