Based on the topological structure of gauge theory, an effective dual version of QCD has been reviewed and analyzed for the phase structure and color confining properties of QCD by invoking the dynamical magnetic symmetry breaking. The multi-flux-tube configuration of condensed QCD vacuum has been explored and associated glueball masses and inter-quark potential have been derived. Thermal response of QCD vacuum has been analyzed using path-integral formalism alongwith the mean-field approach and associated thermodynamical potential is used to derive thermal form of glueball masses, monopole condensate, inter-quark potential and monopole density which then lead to an estimate of the critical temperature of QCD phase transition. During its thermal evolution, a smooth transition of hadronic system via a weakly bound QGP phase to the fully deconfined phase is established and the thermal evolution profiles of various parameters are shown to indicate a second-order deconfinement phase transition and the restoration of magnetic symmetry. Monopole density calculations have been shown to lead to gradual evaporation of magnetic condensate into thermal monopoles during QCD phase transition.
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