
We study thermal transport in a classical one-dimensional Heisenberg model employing a discrete-time odd-even precessional update scheme. This dynamics equilibrates a spin chain for any arbitrary temperature and finite value of the integration time step $\ensuremath{\Delta}t$. We rigorously show that in presence of driving, the system attains local thermal equilibrium, which is a strict requirement of Fourier law. In the thermodynamic limit, heat current for such a system obeys Fourier law for all temperatures, as has been recently shown [A. V. Savin, G. P. Tsironis, and X. Zotos, Phys. Rev. B 72, 140402(R) (2005)]. Finite systems, however, show an apparent ballistic transport which crosses over to a diffusive one as the system size is increased. We provide exact results for current and energy profiles in zero- and infinite-temperature limits.

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