
Fish habitat temperatures are increasing due to human impacts including climate change. For broadly distributed species, thermal tolerance can vary at the population level, making it challenging to predict which populations are most vulnerable to warming. Populations inhabiting warm range boundaries may be more resilient to these changes due to adaptation or acclimatization to warmer temperatures, or they may be more vulnerable as temperatures may already approach their physiological limits. We tested functional and critical thermal tolerance of two populations of wild Oncorhynchus mykiss near the species’ southern range limit and, as predicted, found population-specific responses to temperature. Specifically, the population inhabiting the warmer stream, Piru Creek, had higher critical thermal maxima and higher functional thermal tolerance compared to the population from the cooler stream, Arroyo Seco. Arroyo Seco O. mykiss are more likely to experience a limitation of aerobic scope with warming. Piru Creek O. mykiss, however, had higher resting metabolic rates and prolonged exercise recovery, meaning that they could be more vulnerable to warming if prey or dissolved oxygen become limited. Temperature varies widely between streams near the O. mykiss southern range limit and populations will likely have unique responses to warming based on their thermal tolerances and metabolic requirements.

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