
Field studies of panel buildings have shown that after 30 years of operation, the technical condition of structural elements (embedded parts, welds, etc.) are in working condition. At the same time, the thermal characteristics of the external wall fencing have decreased by more than 30 % compared to those adopted during the design and do not meet regulatory requirements. One of the main reasons for this is the destruction of the material of the thermal insulation layer of wall panels under the influence of atmospheric influences. Consequently, the thermal rehabilitation of external wall panels allows for further operation of panel buildings without restrictions. According to the results of the studies carried out, it is proposed to use a factory-made thermal insulation cladding plate for thermal rehabilitation of the facades of operated panel buildings. The publication presents the results of laboratory studies on the choice of an effective solution for the design of the conection (joint) of individual thermal insulation plate into a thermal insulation facing plate of the required dimensions. The technology of manufacturing thermal insulation facing plates is described. The main advantages of the proposed structural and technological solution for the thermal rehabilitation of external wall panels are: a significant reduction in manual technological processes on the construction site; the possibility of performing work without eviction of residents; eliminating the appearance of cold bridges in the inter-panel seams during the operation of buildings through the use of a folding type joint.

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